Collection: Food Technology

Foods are chemical substances that contain nutrients, which provide energy for metabolic processes. Along with nutrients, food contains other important components such as fiber, natural additives (antibiotics, vitamins and antioxidants), stimulants (caffeine), preservatives (vinegar, brine, and sugar), etc. For centuries, humans have been making bread, beer, and wine, or drying fish by salting. However, with current lifestyles, consumers are looking for fortified, innovative, and easy-to-eat food. Meanwhile, the food manufacturing industry seeks efficiency, hygiene, cost reduction, quality, food safety, and the commercialization of nutritious and healthy food. To meet these demands, food undergoes various processes such as kneading, canning, irradiation, coloring, and the addition of additives such as edible coatings to modify its shape, composition, or energy value. Likewise, foods are preserved using natural substances like antimicrobials, antioxidants, heat (blanching, cooking, pasteurization, sterilization, and dehydration), cold (refrigeration or freezing), burning, chemical means (disinfectants and fungicides), or a combination of methods.

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